
Week Recap 2/5 - 2/11

  1. I got accepted into the only 3 schools I applied for: New England College, St. John's Uni, and Wentworth IT.
  2. I received 12k a year for tuition for NEC, a full tuition to St. John's, and 10k to WIT. But I decided wholeheartedly to attend WIT. I don't believe in going to a school just because I wouldn't have to pay anything. Also, I don't think I'm ready to live on my own in New York just yet.
  3. In other news: I landed a new job (HELL YES) and I start Monday. Too bad I can't wear nail polish to work. =(
  4. My friends and I threw another Valentine's Day themed poetry show last night. I was feeling really uneasy about it during the dress rehearsals, but we all put it together during the show and it turned out to be fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mars! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! I love your posts :) I hope you keep blogging! :)

    Kisses! xxx

